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SeCtion one Four key approaches to change
table B3: An example of the 5 whys exercise in relation to waste in the current processes
We do not always promptly informing the person concerned, their family & other professionals about the outcome of the referral
It is not clear who is responsible for providing this feedback
Duty workers are reluctant to liaise with professionals outside of their previous specialisms
The previous teams had different processes regarding this and a process in the new team has not been developed as yet
Many workers had spent most of their career supporting people with same needs and had little understanding of services outside of their specialism
Managers have had other priorities
This was encouraged to some extent by the previous structure and many workers were anxious about making a mistake and looking unprofessional to other services
Confirming that referrers have been informed is not a requirement of the IT system and no one had raised the issue until now
Previous relationships with other agencies was often tense due to a number of high profile failures in partnership working
The team has been inward facing following the restructuring
Social workers were not sufficiently exposed to other agencies and also lacked confidence in their profession
They also completed similar exercises in relation to the potential added value that could be delivered. For example, Table B3 portrays what was highlighted in relation to concerns from people accessing services and their carers that the social care support was not always integrated well with their informal networks. This linked to the issue from the other stakeholders that the team did not always make best use of the individual’s own resources and those available in the community.

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