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P. 22

SeCtion one Four key approaches to change
table B1: Data collection approached for care management team stakeholders
Stakeholder group Methodology
People accessing the service
Family carers
Details of complaints, comments and compliments that had been made over the past 12 months
Working with the local Healthwatch group to seek feedback from people who access the service, their carers and local representative and advocacy groups
Writing to a sample of the people who are currently known to the team
Internal Members of the management team met with a representative of the stakeholders other services within the Council, including support functions and the
other social work teams
External agencies A short on-line survey was developed for partner agencies to record their perspectives
All A twitter feed was created that was open to anyone who had an interest
As would be expected there were many issues raised in the feedback. The management team spent a morning feeding back the views that had been gained through the different data collection exercises. They brought together the main comments that had been made by each stakeholder group and summarised them under the three questions. They also developed a Pareto Chart based on the type of issues that people had identified.
The second stage of Lean is to ‘identify the value stream for each process and identify ‘wasteful’ steps that do not add value’. The management team broke down the care management process into four key stages, and added a fifth element which reflected the requirement of the team to respond to urgent situations (Table B2).

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