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P. 25

Four key approaches to change SeCtion one
table B4: An example of the 5 whys exercise in relation to missed opportunities to develop value in the current processes
We are not always building on the assets available to the person, their family and within the local community
Assessments tend to focus on what the local authority can do to help rather than what people can access themselves
Social workers want to advocate for people to get the support that they are eligible to receive
Social workers do not feel they have time to look at broader social circumstances.
They are worried that people may not be able to cope without local authority funded support
They have targets regarding the number of assessments that must be undertaken each week
They are concerned that community resources will not have sufficient capacity
Previously there were many people who were waiting for a service and social workers varied in how many they were completing
There are reductions in funding and social workers not aware of what this means in practice
Social workers worked at different paces and some were not pulling their weight
Deciding how to change
At the end of Day 2 they had a good idea about the strengths and weaknesses of the current pathway and the underpinning causes behind aspects that were not working well. The first task of Day 3 was to prioritise which aspects of the pathway they would seek to improve first. They used a graph to map out the potential benefits of the changes against their ability to change these within the resources available to them. It was agreed that they would start with the changes that had high benefit and were under their control, and that manager B would raise the other issues with her manager for potential discussion at a more senior level (Diagram B2).

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