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SeCtion tWo Change approaches & management tools
The PDSA cycle is a four-stage process improvement model used to rapidly trial planned changes to practice, incorporate the lessons learned from the trial into the change process, and integrate continuous improvement into the new service.
plan continuous improvement
standardise improvement
define the system
assess current situation
analyse causes
study the results
try out improvement theory
Stages in the PDSA Cycle
1. Planning: this initial stage requires a thorough diagnostic evaluation of the problems/ issues that need to be addressed by the change – firstly to identify their probable causes and secondly to design possible solutions;
2. Doing: a small-scale (pilot) project is undertaken as a limited implementation of the proposed change(s). Data is collected and observations made to identify the impact of the change and any unintended consequences;
3. Studying: results of the pilot are compared with expectations to identify unintended consequences and shortfalls in improvements;
4. Acting: improvements to the proposed intervention are made, incorporating lessons learned from the pilot phase. The changes may be tested again in another pilot, or the decision taken to proceed to full implementation. Ongoing quality improvement activity (continuous cycles) may also be adopted

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