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Change approaches & management tools SeCtion tWo
Strengths and limitations
Most implementations of LEAN within health and social care sectors have used lean principles and adapted these to suit the service and context. Key steps include a review of processes and/or assessment of capacity and demand, and linking the intended improvement activity to strategy. There are potential issues through the difference in workforce-manager relationships from that found in private manufacturing.
In relation to social care change, the terminology within LEAN may seem unfamiliar to people accessing services, carers and other stakeholders. However through its focus on value for the customer, engagement of staff, and aspiration of ongoing learning and improvement it does have a good fit with the principles of social care change. This will though require a flexible and accessible approach to implementing LEAN.
Further reading
1. Agarwal R, Grassl W and Pahl J (2012) Meta-SWOT: introducing a new strategic planning tool, Journal of Business Strategy, 33, 2, 12–21.
2. Brandao de Souza L (2009), Trends and approaches in Lean healthcare, Leadership in Health Services, 22, 2, 121–39.
3. Burgess N and Radnor Z (2013) Evaluating Lean in healthcare, International Journal of Health care Quality Assurance, 26, 3, 220–35.
4. Krafcik JF (1988) Triumph of the lean production system, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 30, 1, 41–52.
5. LaGanga LR (2011), Lean service operations: reflections and new directions for capacity expansion in outpatient clinics, Journal of Operations Management, 29, 5, 422–33.
6. Liker J (2004) The Toyota Way, New York: McGraw-Hill.
7. Moyano-Fuentes J and Sacristan-Diaz M (2012) Learning on lean: a review of thinking and
research, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 32, 5, 551–82.
8. Ohno T (1988) Toyota Production System, Portland, Oregon: Productivity Press. Translated from
Japanese original, first published 1978.
9. Piercy N and Rich N (2009), Lean transformation in the pure service environment: the case of the call
service center, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 29, 1, 54–76.
10. Proudlove N, Moxham C and Boaden R (2008), Lessons for lean in healthcare from using Six Sigma
in the NHS, Public Money & Management, 28, 1, 27–34.
11. Radnor Z and Boaden R (2008) Lean in public services: panacea or paradox, Public Money &
Management, 28, 1, 3–7.
12. Womack JP and Jones DT (1996) Lean Thinking, New York: Simon & Schuster.

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