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SeCtion tWo Change approaches & management tools
Job Enrichment seeks to make work more meaningful and satisfying through increasing autonomy and responsibility of staff by providing a variety of significant tasks. Its main focus is on the attributes of the work itself (‘core job dimensions’), mediated through individual member differences (‘critical psychological states’), and it is suited to contexts which do not require high levels of coordination and where employees have a high need for personal growth (Hackman and Oldham, 1980).
Stages in Job Enrichment implementation
1. Diagnosis: current jobs are profiled using the Job Diagnostic Survey (JDS) for their motivational score. This is a combination of their meaningfulness, autonomy and feedback. The JDS also records employee readiness for change, and this information is combined to identify whether additional interventions are required to reduce staff dissatisfaction prior to job redesign.
2. Formation of natural work units: by grouping tasks together to increase ‘ownership’ of the tasks. Grouping increases both task identity and significance, which together improve meaningfulness.
3. Combination of tasks: jobs are typically enlarged and tasks combined to increase task identity, autonomy and skills development.
4. Establishing client relationships: this requires that the client(s) be identified, contact directly established, and client judgements of quality be made directly. Improved feedback increases staff motivation to perform.
5. Vertical loading: i.e. handing responsibility and control from manager to worker. The increased autonomy leads to accountability and feelings of responsibility for outcomes, improving performance.
6. Opening feedback channels: direct, immediate feedback of performance as it occurs typically has a motivational effect
(Adapted from Walters, 1975, pp. 57–71)

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