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SeCtion tWo Change approaches & management tools
FIVE WHYS Description
A simple yet powerful approach, it enables the factors that lead to a situation arising through asking a series of questions related to the event or issue.
This approach is useful to guide the investigation of single problems or issues rather than explore an organisation holistically. Once a problem has occurred, the first ‘why’ question is ‘why did this happen?’ It is likely that a number of answers will be found, and for each the next ‘why?’ is asked: ‘Why is that?’ The sequence continues until the question has been asked and answered five times.
Manifest problem: a care home resident complains that a request for water was ignored
1. Why?
Care assistant A did not bring it when asked
2. Why?
She was sent by senior staff member B to help with another resident with a more serious need
A failed to inform B of the request to fetch a drink of water
3. Why?
The team were handing over to the next shift with fewer staff available to undertake tasks
B did not ask A to hand back outstanding tasks
4. Why?
Staff handover practice requires attention
B would benefit from communication training
5. Why?
The handover system has not been looked at for some time and not all requirements are being observed in practice
Appraisal processes are not well developed and require attention
(Adapted from Iles and Sutherland, 2001, p. 31)

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