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Change approaches & management tools SeCtion tWo
Action Learning Sets (ALSs) are used to stimulate critical reflection on real-life, work-based problems the answers to which are unclear (Revans 1980, 1982, 1998). Rooted in experience based learning theory, this widely-adopted, group approach to problem-solving emerged in response to the assumption ‘only that which can be observed and measured counts as knowledge’ (Whitehead & McNiff, 2013). It takes the challenges of professional practice in a context of organisational change and uses these as an opportunity for reflection and development.
The approach is formulated as: L = P + Q + R (with P relating to the formal knowledge and skills that people have been trained in through external and in-house training). Where:
L = Learning
P = Programmed knowledge Q = Questioning
R = Reflection
A common Action Learning Set process
• each member reports briefly on recent work events
• members choose who will speak about a situation they are currently facing at work
• the presenter describes the situation, problem or challenge
• set members ask open questions to help the presenter gain insight and be open to new solutions – set members do not give advice, pass judgement or talk about their own situation; rather they help the presenter review options and decide on action
• set members reflect on the group process and share their own individual learning
• the presenter initiates changes in the workplace
• at the next set meeting the presenter reports on the action they have taken, and any further issues
(Adapted from Revans, 1980)

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