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SeCtion one Four key approaches to change
Diagram A3: Change Team in Acorns
Understanding the Change
The first stage of Appreciative Inquiry is ‘Discovery’ in which stakeholders share what is positive about the service. Initially manager A thought that it would be helpful to bring together different stakeholders. However, when she discussed with the change team their view was that the stakeholders might be reluctant to share their views with others present, particularly as this was a new process for the home. They therefore agreed that the ‘Discovery’ phase would be undertaken within stakeholder groups and once their confidence was developed they would then be ready to come together within the next stage. It was also recognised that there was no one way to engage with all the different stakeholders, and therefore a variety of approaches were deployed –
• People living in the home: each afternoon for a week the staff on duty asked people if they wanted to explore their views which were recorded on sheets in the day room of the two homes. The advocacy group also held two creative workshops in which people living in the home were encouraged to express what they valued about the home through paints and other medium.

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