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SeCtion one Four key approaches to change
To address the low morale amongst the staff, Manager A was keen to take an approach which emphasised the positives within the home rather than being seen to once again highlight the things they were not doing well. She therefore decided to use Appreciative Inquiry as an approach to underpin the change. Many traditional approaches to change focus on what is not working as a means to avoid similar problems in the future. Appreciative Inquiry instead seeks to understand the positives, and to use these as a platform for future improvement. It is based on the premise that organisations and individuals will move towards the positive images that others have of them. It follows a process which seeks to identify the best of what could be, discuss what should be and then taking action to create what will be. Appreciative Inquiry seeks to overcome individual and team resistance to change through generating a common and inspirational vision. It does not start with a set premise about what the end result will be but instead the future gradually unfolds through conversations, stories and discussions.
Diagram A1: Appreciative Inquiry

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