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Four key approaches to change SeCtion one
Introduction to Section 1
In this section four key approaches to managing organisational change are illustrated through the use of case studies. Whilst fictional, the case studies are based on common change scenarios that are faced by adult social care managers. They also draw upon organisational development work that has been previously undertaken by the authors and the change agents involved in the project. To select the key approaches we drew upon the practice experience of our participants, the evidence from research literature and the extent to which the approaches reflect the principles of social care change discussed above. They are not presented as the only or indeed the best way to approach change as this will depend on the context, the nature and scale of the change, the available resources and other issues of each situation. However they are recommended as change approaches worth exploring in more depth. Fuller details of the change approaches and change management tools are given in Section 2.
It was clear through our consultations that change in adult social care needs to a degree to be a pragmatic process. We therefore take a ‘real’ rather than ‘ideal’ world view to the implementation process whilst remaining true to the key principles within each approach. Our real world perspective also includes deploying other change management tools within and alongside the key approaches to change. The case studies and the approaches they illustrate are summarised below.
Case study Approach to change Scenario
A Appreciative Inquiry Personalising practice in a care home for older people
B Lean Improving care management process in an adults assessment & care management team
C Action Research Integrating social care services with health services and third sector organisations in a mental health
recovery hub
D Soft Systems Methodology Replacing a care home for people with disabilities with supported living opportunities
NOTE: more details of the approaches and the tools are provided in Section two.

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