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SeCtion tWo Change approaches & management tools
CULTURAL WEB Description
It can be difficult to bring to the surface the assumptions that underlie how people view an organization and what is acceptable in terms of behaviour and values. The Cultural Web is a tool that can be used to reveal the way that people understand their organization and help them to share their underlying cultural assumptions.
rituals and routines
power structures
control systems
the paradigm
organisation structures
Aspect of culture Description of aspect Key question
Organisational Formal and informal relationships that How formal or informal are structures constitute the power structure these structures?
Control systems Administrative systems which illustrate What is monitored/controlled what is valued and why?
Rituals and The protocol for ‘doing things’ – what is What core management routines important beliefs do these reflect?
Stories The way in which culture is reproduced What stories are told and and shared with new members what do these reveal?
Symbols Signifiers of meaning What symbols limit, deny or control behavior?
Power structures People and processes which control the What are the core beliefs of behavior and expression of members top management?
Paradigms Shared frameworks regarding how the What are the dominant organization works cultural assumptions?

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