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Change approaches & management tools SeCtion tWo
Stages in coaching and mentoring interventions
1. Establish principles: this initial phase involves establishing the goals of the intervention; the resources available (frequency, duration, compensation); and ethical considerations including confidentiality.
2. Conduct assessment: this may be either personal or systemic. In the former, the client is guided through an assessment framework that may consist of a range of assessment measures, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI) and FIRO-B. Systemic assessments engage the client’s peers, managers and team in the process, typically through 360-degree feedback processes.
3. Debrief the results: client and facilitator discuss the results and consider the implications for action for intervention goals (which may be revised in the light of the data) and consequent actions.
4. Develop an action plan: the specific actions of both client and coach (mentor) are identified and agreed. These may include actions designed to achieve specific goals, new learning opportunities to develop skills, and projects to demonstrate competency.
5. Implement the action plan: the coaching and mentoring process consists of one-to-one meetings between coach and client in which the coach facilitates learning through challenge and support.
6. Evaluate results: progress is reviewed by coach (mentor) and client at appropriate intervals, with goals and/or action plans reviewed as appropriate, or the process terminated.
(Adapted from Cummings and Worley, 2008, pp. 452–53)

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