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Change approaches & management tools SeCtion tWo
Strengths and limitations
It is suited to changes which require the development of networks of relationships between participants across multiple organisational boundaries. Additionally, the exploration of positive experiences, capabilities and visions for a better future may act as a powerful mobilising force, focussing participants’ energies on action toward shared goals. It is designed to tap into participants’ feelings and connect their developing awareness of the interconnections between individuals to an emergent change agenda. There are possible tensions between the focus on overarching change and the engagement of individuals, which may reduce the ability of AI to adhere to its humanistic value base.
In relation to social care change, Appreciative Inquiry fits well into the principles of encouraging shared learning and partnerships and seeking positive engagement from people accessing services, carers and other stakeholders. Its ability to engage senior management and other political interests in the process will be vital, and there is a potential that the perceived strengths and assets may not match the objectives set by internal or external requirements.
Further reading
1. Cooperrider DL (1999) Positive image, positive action: The affirmative basis of organizing. In: Srivastva S and Cooperrider DL (eds) Appreciative Management and Leadership: The Power of Positive Thought and Action in Organization (revised edition), Cleveland: Lakeshore Communications, pp. 91– 125.
2. Cooperrider DL and Sekerka LE (2006) Toward a theory of positive organizational change. In: Gallos JV (ed) Organization Development, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp. 223–38.
3. Magruder-Watkins J, Mohr B and Kelly R (2011) Appreciative Inquiry: Change at the Speed of Imagination, San Francisco: Wiley.
4. Quinn RE (2000) Change the World: How Ordinary People can Achieve Extraordinary Results, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Other resources
Appreciative Inquiry Commons: a worldwide portal devoted to the fullest sharing of academic resources and practical tools on Appreciative Inquiry:

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