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P. 44

SeCtion one Four key approaches to change
The next stage in Soft-Systems Methodology is to develop ‘root definitions’ of the ‘purposeful activity’ system. This involves drawing diagrams which depict different ‘worldviews’ on how the service achieves the expected outcomes. Rather than focus of what was currently happening in the homes, Manager D wanted to look at what stakeholders thought should happen in any new accommodation and support arrangements. She met with the different groups of stakeholders and mapped out their main ‘root definitions’ (Diagram D3) using the PQR formula – i.e.
P: what should the service do? Q: how will it do this? R: why will it do this?
Table D3: Example of root definitions
Stakeholder group
P (what does the service do?)
Q (how will it do this?)
R (why will it do this?)
People living in the accommodation
It will give us somewhere we can be safe and keep all our belongings
By having a strong front door and staff who can look after us
Because we pay for the service and because the staff care
People living in the accommodation
It will help us to have fun and to see our friends and family
By having phones so we can contact people; let us choose who live with; be close to public transport
Because it is what is most important to us
It will keep people safe from others and from hurting themselves through accidents etc
By having risk assess- ments and management plans; training for the people; panic alarms and enough staff
It is our duty to make sure people are protected from harm and we could get in trouble if we do not do this properly.
It will be able to demonstrate how it is working to help people to become more independent
By encouraging people to do more for themselves, having support of occupational therapists and making sure that skills development are in care plans
The care managers expect us to help people to be less dependent and also ask at reviews what we have done to promote this
It will give us a job that we enjoy and a wage that we can live from
By us being paid a decent hourly rate and having some security about the future
LAD say they are a good employer and if we are happy in our work then people will have a better life

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