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SeCtion one Four key approaches to change
table D1: examples of the issues highlighted in the PeSteLi analysis
Aspect of example of issues noted by LAD environment
Political The two main local political parties are in agreement about the general move to supported living rather than residential care
Economic There are a number of competitor care providers in the local area and national organisations will also bid for major tenders.
Local authority budgets are stretched and in view of the increasing numbers of people who have complex needs such financial pressure is likely to grow
Sociological There are increasing number of older people with a learning disability and young people with complex health needs and/or autism
Technological Rather than people simply being looked after, care services are becoming more skilled at supporting people to become more
independent over time
Assistive technology provides opportunities for people to receive support without members of staff being present
Ecological There are a number of new developments within the local area of the proposed accommodation in line with the local authority’s vision for the
locality. These include increased training schemes and healthy living services
Legislative Human rights legislation is likely to continue, as will duty on local authorities to assess social care needs of people with a disability and to
arrange services
Industry Supported living enables people to have more choice and control over lives and resources and is therefore likely to fit in with the increasing
wish for people to be self-directing
A proportion of people with a disability will be likely to need some degree of support for the foreseeable future

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