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Four key approaches to change SeCtion one
Implementing the change
The Project Implementation Group met following the second event and agreed to develop task and finish groups for each of the priority outcomes. These began by turning the Theory of Change that had been developed into more detailed project plans. The university worked with the task and finish groups to develop measures that could be used to monitor implementation of the projects. They then developed an evaluation framework to understand the impacts on the overall recovery hub. This data was to be largely gathered by the service advising on developing the necessary data gathering systems. They would also provide an objective validation of the recovery hub’s findings. Three monthly reports were provided to the Project Implementation Group and these were used to review progress.
Manager C also continued to participate in the Action Learning Set, which he found a helpful forum to present uncertainties and dilemmas that were faced.
Sustaining the change
A year post implementation the research team reran the on-line surveys to staff and to people accessing the service gather an update on how the recovery team had progressed. They undertook focus groups to understand different perspectives on the process of change. Finally, the university ran an Open Space event to which all stakeholders, including people accessing the service and their family carers were invited. They set an overall question of ‘how can people be better supported in their recovery journey?’ and those who attended highlighted the key issues that arose for them from his overall question. The university combined the views expressed at the event with the evaluation data to provide a report on the impact of the hub. They also undertook interviews with key participants in the process and incorporated a reflection on the change approach in report. This was made available via the internet and shared within the Foundation Trust via a series of briefings. The data was also used within applications for good practice awards.

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