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Four key approaches to change SeCtion one
table A1 Areas for improvement and current strengths in this area
Area for improvement Strength that can be built upon
The environment within the home
Housing association had agreed to prioritise in next year’s capital programme
Friends of Acorns hadsome budget that they could contribute to new furniture
One of the staff used to be a painter and decorator
A number of the people living in the home were keen gardeners prior to admission
Making care planning Staff members generally wanted to do the best for the people processes more person living in the home.
Many people had family members who were in contact and could contribute to planning discussions
People living in the homes to be more involved in the day-to- day activities
There were some staff members who currently supported people to tidy their rooms rather than doing this for them.
Two people living in the home were keen on baking and occasionally got to bake cakes with the cook.
The care management team had a linked Occupational Therapist who would be able to provide training to staff
Promoting the home to The Friends of Acorn held a jumble sale once per year which local older people, their always generated considerable interest in the local community families and care
management team
One of the deputy managers agreed to lead on changing practice regarding the involvement of people living in the home within its day-to-day running. He organised a training session with the staff group to discuss how they might achieve this, but during the session a number of staff members started to raise concerns regarding the time that this would take and the potential risks to the residents. The deputy manager struggled to respond to this negativity and to avoid the conflict that was developing said that she would postpone the discussion and they should instead focus on how to promote the vacancies in the home. At the next supervision with

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